Well I apologize for the long vacation since our last talk, but cheer up because I am back. The regular 9-5 has been kicking my ass along with the fact that I thought when Summer was over the shows would lighten up a little, but I was clearly wrong about that because it has been 85 degrees and there has been no shortage of great music in LA to Las Vegas. We have the better late than never October chart to lighten up your day, and weigh down your computer memory. So download freely! If you are concerned with not having enough time in the month to get a great November chart, well then don't be worried at all because that one will be right on time. I am pretty sure by the end of this week we will be moving to our new site for Noiseuphoria @ www.noiseuphoria.com so keep an eye out for that.
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Nicky Nines
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